Yesterday (16th May 2022) was the Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio. A super-powerful Moon, helping everyone to release old karmic patterns. For each of us it might be slightly different area(s) of life... Where are you observing endings or repeated situations from the past? This Full Moon will be exerting its effects for up to 6 months from now, so if you're resistant to letting go of old behaviours, old patterns, old thoughts and ideas then you still have a chance to adjust that. You can decide to let go and see how much lighter you'll feel as a result. An inspiring story from my own life: I believe everyone is creative, in different ways... but everyone IS creative. When I was in primary school I had an arts teacher who was very critical of my drawings. I would spend many hours a day drawing and re-drawing, doing my best to produce the kind of drawings expected of me. Still the results were unsatisfactory to my arts teacher. That one period in life undermined my belief in me being a creative individual, for many many years... until the following happened: I love DIY, especially wood projects I have always loved putting furniture together, especially those flat packs we all know (and some of us dislike). It is a guaranteed success of DIY by following enclosed instructions However I would feel blocked trying to build furniture based on my own ideas and using my own skills. The picture you can see to the left is the 1st piece of furniture I've ever built - a bench, made out of bits of old furniture. The 2nd photo shows me building a table, just this last weekend. The 3rd image is the table finished. Keep reading for the complete story... Last night at the Meditation class I was talking about the karmic clearing connected to the Full Moon on 16th May. I also mentioned that I was building a table and that it was a big step for me in changing my beliefs about being creative (in this case in the field of wood working / carpentry). I mentioned that I built a very wobbly bench some years ago. I also shared that I have observed and shifted my ideas about being able to build something and that no matter how this table I'm building turns out I believe, I know, I can do it. Today, the morning of 17th May 2022 myself and my partner have completed the table. It's beautiful and pretty stable, though needs adjustments, but it's nowhere near the wobbly bench I made. I made that bench on 17th May 2017, exactly 5 years ago TO THE DAY!! I only know this because my photo memories app popped that wobbly bench image as a notification on my phone! I am now declaring that I am a Creative Being. I have let go of any critical ideas of my work, in any and all areas of my life. What I create is for my own enjoyment and it's an expression that is intrinsic to my unique Being. And if that enjoyment is shared by others then I welcome the expansion of joy. And if it is not shared by others then that is none of my concern, as they can find joy elsewhere. What are You changing for the better / letting go of in your life at this time? What is your declaration?
You might've heard about Sound baths or you might've not.
Let me tell you a little bit about Sound baths. First you get to the space and possibly, no matter if you've never participated in a Sound bath before or you have done one many times, you feel a mix of excitement, hope, expectation, nervousness, even fear on occasion. Then you realise that actually now that you sit there, on your mat, listening to the introduction, that something drew you to a Sound bath for a reason. A reason or many reasons... As you start to surrender to the guided words, the breath, the moment everything calms... including your physical body, which relaxes further and further into the now. The sounds start to flow and there is an underlying energy of them all - that of returning you Home, with the capital "H" because it's about your Home inside. Sometimes the journey is lighter, sometimes there is a bit of resistance, everything depending on how much there is to change, how much clearing is required, how much you're letting go of and how strongly you're holding onto things; how willing you are to surrender... but in the end you get there - the blissful feeling of everything being all right, everything being as it should be, just right. In that moment there is just the Home and there is everything else around you that you feel is Home too. And you breathe and you just BE in the blissful moment of the eternal NOW - a feeling that can only be experienced and can never be exactly described. Each Sound bath experience is unique, no matter how many times you've been to such event or listened to a Sound bath online. Come with an open mind, open heart every time, no expectations. In this way you'll have the best experience of all = being in the moment. If you'd like to participate in the Sound baths guided by me you are welcome to join: * in-person Sound baths in Scotland (Glasgow, Bellshill, Oban): In-person Sound healing or * online Sound baths (every Friday): Online Sound healing I'm looking forward to connecting with you when we do. Much Love, xo Aga Home sweet home - how to FEEL Good at home! :) - space clearing, home in the stars, internal home...10/17/2014 Home can be looked at in my different ways. Home is where we feel good, get energised, rested, relaxed. It is our Oasis – and this refers to a physical, mental, spiritual Home.
* Keep plants – they attract fairies and all the Nature Spirits, who Love being around homes with beautiful gardens and well-cared for plants. * Clear the space with sage – going around every room, set a clearing Intention and then ask that the space is filled with all the Goodness possible * Symbols, figures, crystals, messages – spread them around your home – whatever makes you feel good, uplifts you, makes you smile – it’s your home! Make it yours! * Play nice, good vibe music – your home soaks up everything that you do, read, etc. so choose wisely! * Get rid of clutter – Question to ask “Do I really love it?” – furniture, clothes, little things. Sometimes we’re used to things just being there or lying around. Give them to someone else if you don’t really love them. Pass them on to others, give them away to charity – they have served you well and if their role in your life is finished let them serve someone else now.
Happy Journeys Dear Light Beings! Enjoy your Home(s) in many ways! <3 #Homeclearing #homeiswheretheheartis #homewithin #clearyourhome |
AuthorAga is an intuitive, energy healer, therapist, Being of Light leading group meditations and other various activities in Glasgow, Scotland. Her mission is to raise the frequencies everywhere she can! :) Archives
February 2024